H. H. Niranjana Swami
ISKCON Founder—Acarya His Divine GraceA.C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada

Niranjana Swami

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Quotes Of The Day

Niranjana Swami
Collected Letters Written to Friends and Disciples, Vol. 3, April 3, 1994

As soon as we think, “Oh just see how elevated I am”, then we should know that we're not so elevated. But if we think ourselves as unqualified, then we'll always look to improve by taking good association.

Srila Prabhupada
Lecture on Bhagavad-gita 4.11, New York, July 27, 1966

Our difficulty is that instead of following the supreme leader, we are creating by mental concoction some leader according to our material conception of life, and we are following. That is our position... People are actually following the same principle, but the difficulty is that in our position of lower nature we are following in the manner which will not make us happy and satisfied. Because we are not following the supreme leader, the difficulty. By constitutional position we are to follow a leader, but because we are misled, because we are deluded to follow a leader which is not perfect, therefore our position is always unhappy in spite of following the leadership of a concocted nature.